Thursday, March 1, 2012

Too many topics... Not enough blogging...

Dammit. So this has been a bad start to the year, blog-wise for me. Not what I intended. I have about a dozen post topics set out and yet, here we are, more than 2 months later and no blog posts. This was not what I wanted for this blog.
But with RSA happening this week (and possibly more importantly B-Sides San Francisco and the weird little firefight that occurred and then as quickly died) there has been so much going on, that I should definitely be saying *something*.
I was glad to see Jack Daniels (terrific blog BTW: talk about how the communities, A-side and B-side generally get along. Also really liked some of the other things he had to say in an interview I watched, which I *will* write more about soon.
There will be more here soon, I promise. Who am I promising to? My loyal fan base? Doubtful. (Not the promise, the existence of a fan base...) Promising to myself. I have too much to write about to let this go nowhere. And unfortunately, two months into 2012 and it has gone very nowhere...
Not anymore!

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