Monday, December 19, 2011

A New Blog..

On an old topic...
I have had designs on my own version of the "My Musings On Information Security" blog for quite some time, and I am now finally getting off my ass to do it. Go me.
And so then here will be where I will post and discuss my own interpretations of what amounts to good, useful, clever or otherwise awesome tools and methodologies for the modern infosec analysis professional. Sometimes current and relevant, at other times, egg-headed and theoretical and (most) always with a satirical and cynical bent. What can I say? When you have been doing this as long as I have, it's hard to continue to be surprised at the stupid you run across in the wild.
If you like this and have something to say, feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you. And if not, I refer you to the patron saint of cynical, the voice of rage against the stupid, the captain of contemtuous, and say...

"Bite me!"
-Bender B. Rodriguez
